Group Home Structure
Parental/ Behavioral
Modification System
Independent Living Status
Community Service
Placement Reporting
About the House of Ruth
The House of Ruth is designed to teach young mothers how to love, nurture and care for their children. The program emphasizes parental development, education, independent living skills, including community and social development. PVFM provides a
Safe, Structured, caring environment, which promotes a healthy loving relationship between young mothers and their children, founded on a strong belief of faith and hope in Christ Jesus.
Local and Regional County Juvenile Probation Department.
Local and Regional Children and Youth Services.
Referrals can be made by contacting the PVFM Administration office
(717) 852-7470 or fax information to (717) 852-7473. After hours please contact the House of Ruth facility at (717) 244-8743. All of our staff is trained to assist with referrals.
Types of Referrals
Pregnant Teenage Females (between the ages of 12-18)
Teenage Mothers and 1 child (Special circumstances for multiple infants based on capacity.)
(Emergency referrals accepted.)
Type of Limitations/ Exclusions
Diagnosed Schizophrenics
History of Arson
Sexual Offenders
History of Severe Violence and Aggressive Behavior
Length of Placement
Six months to one year. Time frames can be shortened or lengthened based on individual needs.
Mothers can stay past their 18th birthday if they remain in care.
3255 Cape Horn Road, P.O. Box 146
Red Lion, PA 17356
Mothers are provided education through the local school district. Their academics are tailored to the individual mother, through the district's guidance counseling system. Mothers have full access to tutoring services both in school and in the home environment if needed. Mothers are encouraged to work towards their diplomas or GED. Mothers are also eligible to attend post secondary education through local colleges if they remain in the care and custody of the agency.
A state certified day care instructor provides daycare for children not of school age. School age children are educated by the local school district. Mothers learn parenting skills to assist in their child's early education endeavors.
Early Intervention Services
If deemed appropriate by the provider, physician or agency/ courts, early intervention services will be made available to infants and children.
Group Home Structure
Mothers will participate in a wide array of group and individual instruction courses. PVFM encourages shared learning techniques through hands on and group interaction.
Goal Sessions/ House Meetings
Enhances productivity of personal goals and accomplishments. In addition, house meetings assist housemates to communicate problems and concerns when they arise.
Feelings Groups
Teaches mothers how to positively identify with their children and promotes love and mutual affection between mother and child.
Parenting Sessions
Focuses on structural learning development of both mother and child. Parenting sessions are designed to help mothers make conscious moral decisions in child rearing. Such sessions include but not limited to: child safety, appropriate discipline, basic instruction rules (feeding and hygiene), bonding and attachment, lamaze instruction, and bedtime mannerism for infants.
Moral and Religious Study Groups
Encourages young mothers to develop strength and faith in Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. In addition, these groups are used to enhance the young mother's ability to apply values and moral standards to themselves and their children.
Life Skills/ Nutrition/ Fitness Classes
Promotes independent living skills such as; job and employment, cooking, household cleaning, financial budgeting, post secondary education options, community and social skills and fitness instruction.
Sex Ed. Instruction/ Pregnancy Prevention
Focuses on the prevention of sexually transmitted disease and education, to promote safe sex practices and promote awareness of abuse.
Individual Meetings
Clients are provided the opportunity to discuss issues surrounding their stay and PVFM in a confidential atmosphere. A Case Manager is assigned to every mother and child pair. Areas of discussion may include program progression towards established goals, staffing issues, and educational assistance.
Individual Counseling Services and Psychological Services
Clients are also scheduled for individual therapy sessions based on goals and needs. Community based agencies such as Pennsylvania Comprehensive Behavioral Health Service, Gaudenzia, T.W. Ponessa and Human Life Services will provide such services.
Psychological Evaluations will be provided through Pennsylvania Comprehensive Behavioral Health service within sixty days of placement.
Down/ Free Time
Allows mothers to recuperate from prolonged hours of sleeplessness or studying. PVFM staff will assist with children during down/ free time.
Promote a healthy family environment for mothers and their children. Activities include; shopping, swimming lessons, movies, library, amusement parks and arts and crafts.
Meals include Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Snack. All special dietary needs will be met.
Parental/ Behavioral
Modification System
The level system is set up to monitor the mother's program progression towards their established Individual Service Plan Goals (provided on grounds.) This four level system is completed by taking the above sessions and classes. As each section is finished, it must be signed off by the mother's Case Manager.
Independent Living Status
Allows clients whose permanency goal is Independent Living to focus on independency through a wide arrange of strategies and techniques geared towards living independently. Areas of study include; College/ institutional tour and enrollment, finances, FASGA, SAT, housing, childcare, etc.
Residents have the opportunity to earn day and overnight home pass visits with their families, based on their progression through their Parental/ Behavioral Modification System. Visits are approved and monitored by their referring agency and PVFM Case Manager.
PVFM offers family visitations on Wednesdays, 6pm-7pm and Sundays between 3pm and 6pm. Residents are allowed up to three visitors, all of which must be on their approved visitors list. Visitation approvals can only be made by their referring agency. Special accommodations concerning visitation can be made with prior notice to child assigned Case Manager.

PVFM will provide transportation for all scheduled appointments, court hearings, agency meetings, activities and school (when necessary).
Placement Reporting
Individual Service Plan (I.S.P.)
Developed within thirty days of admission. Goals of placement are implemented and introduced to mother, guardian, and agency. Attendance and participation is requested.
Monthly Progress Report
Provides county agencies and guardians with updates of program progression and utilization of placement goals.
I.S.P. Review
Developed within six months of admission date. Provides county agencies with a summation of goals achieved, and a projected plan of discharge.
Case Management
Weekly contact is made with referring agencies and guardian through phone and mail regarding mother and child.